
GIT & Mercurial < 3.2.3 - Multiple Vulnerabilities (Metasploit)
APPLE-SA-2014-12-18-1 Xcode 6.2 beta 3
APPLE-SA-2015-03-09-4 Xcode 6.2
Git CVE-2014-9390 Arbitrary File Overwrite Vulnerability
Malicious Git and Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390
Redhat Low CVE-2014-9390
Ubuntu libgit2 CVE-2014-9390
[ MDVSA-2015:169 ] git
[SECURITY] [DSA 3257-1] mercurial security update
oss-security - Possible CVE Request: dulwich: does not prevent to write files in commits with invalid paths to working tree
oss-security - RE: request for CVEs for git clients
oss-security - Re: Possible CVE Request: dulwich: does not prevent to write files in commits with invalid paths to working tree
oss-security - Re: request for CVEs for git clients
oss-security - Re: request for CVEs for git clients
oss-security - Re: request for CVEs for git clients
oss-security - Re: request for CVEs for git clients
oss-security - Re: server and cl ient side remote code execution through a buffer overflow in a
oss-security - server and client side remote code execution through a bu ffer overflow in all git versions before 2.7.1 (unpublished
server and client side remote code execution through a buffer overflow in all git versions before 2.7.1 (unpublished ᴄᴠᴇ-2016-2324 and ᴄᴠᴇ‑2016‑2315)